Archive | December, 2011

Exploring the city

13 Dec

Early Christmas

5 Dec

Kyle and I have decided to do something a little different for Christmas this year. Since we both couldn’t really think of things we wanted for Christmas, we decided to get gifts we could both use to spend good, productive time together.


{yoga mats, dvds}

I figured since we were doing an unconventional Christmas already, there was no point waiting for the date once I had gotten the present.  After all, the point of getting these is to do it!

I have been doing the pm routine before bed, and I am finding it does help me relax and fall asleep — even if I end up waking in the middle of the night anyway, but falling asleep consistently is still an improvement. I’m hoping to do the am/pm routines most days, especially the pm, and do the longer more detailed routine once during the weekend.


I have a feeling it is more the calm, relaxing routine before bed that helps more than anything, but that is something I wanted to work on anyway.



P.S.  I hadn’t  realized how fragile my wrists still are.  So far, the stress on my wrists has been the hardest part of the whole thing!



Email yourself!

1 Dec

I was inspired to try a little project!

Using the magic that is, I am going to write myself a letter and send it, to be delivered Dec 01, 2012.

I recently looked back through my Facebook page and gained an appreciation for how much has happened this year to be thankful for, that I don’t always remember.  What is going on right now that I wont remember next year? What kind of person will I be?  Will I have accomplished all the goals I am setting out for myself today? Would I be proud of the person I have become?

Challenge yourself, and send a reminder email to keep yourself accountable!


1 Dec

I seem to have segued from second midterms directly into Finals Panic.


Some things that have happened since then :

  • I did much better on my Biology midterm than I expected and compared to the first one.  This has fired me into a studying rampage in order to keep that mark for my final.
  • I seem to be dealing with insomnia.  It’s probably not kosher to call it insomnia without being officially diagnosed, but what can I do. I am referring to  periods of at least a week at a time where I either cannot sleep all night, or I fall asleep and wake around 1 or 2am, unable to get back to sleep.
  • (Probably because of the sleeping) I am getting sick very often.  The flu, colds, etc etc.  Yesterday I nearly passed out on the bus.  My vision started blacking out and everything!
  • I quit my job.
  • Hurrah.
  • No job means I get to go home for Christmas. So excited!
  • Kyle and I are working on a Christmas card/newsletter.  Getting that ready satisfies some inner housewife of mine.


Anyway, updates may be sporadic, especially until I finish finals.  I will do my best, but I can’t promise anything until December 16th!